What is Ridge Vent and Why is it Important?

What is Ridge Vent and Why is it Important?

Jun 26 2022

What is Ridge Venting?

Ridge vents are an important component of any roofing system. They are installed along the peak of the roof, and they allow warm air to escape from the attic during the summer time and moisture to escape in the winter time. Covered by ridge cap shingles, this type of roof venting works well and is the most aesthetically pleasing ventilation option.

Why is Ridge Vent Important?

Many homeowners are unaware of the importance of proper roof ventilation. This helps to regulate the temperature in the attic, and it also helps to prevent the formation of condensation. In addition, ridge vents help to reduce the amount of heat that builds up in the attic during the summer months. This can help to prolong the life of the roofing materials and improve the overall efficiency of the home.

In addition to extending the lifespan of your roof, proper ventilation can also help to prevent ice dams, mold growth, and condensation. As a result, it is important to ensure that your roof is properly ventilated. If are unsure whether your roof is properly ventilated, a qualified roofing contractor can assess your ventilation system and make recommendations for improvement.

When Do I Need Ridge Vent?

Many homes are great candidates for ridge vents. Homes with ample amount of ridge lines are properly ventilated by using ridge vents. According to the Federal Housing Administration, for every 300 square feet of ceiling space, you will need a minimum of one square foot of attic ventilation (evenly split between intake and exhaust ventilation).

We also highly recommend adding ridge vent to your roof if you live in a hot or humid climate. Roof ridge vent can lower your cooling bills and lower your attic temperature. This makes it a perfect addition to your Memphis roof.

Can a Roofing Contractor Add Ridge Vent?

When you choose to put on a new roof on your home, we recommend adding ridge vent at the time of installation. If you think you want to add ridge vent to your current attic ventilation, contact a roofing contractor who can inspect the conditions of your attic and let you know how much it will cost to transform your roof. If ridge venting is not the best solution for your home, you can check out our blog that breaks down all your Roof Ventilation Options.

What are the Different Ridge Vent Options?

At Restoration Roofing we are dedicated to providing our customers with the top-quality products on the market – that’s why we use Atlas Roofing Shingles and products. Fortunately for our customers, Atlas offers a number of ridge vent options. To see all the style and functional options visit Atlas Ridge Vent Options.

At Restoration Roofing we have the experience and expertise to help you with all your ridge venting needs. To get in touch with one of our project managers, give us a call at 901-854-3402 or click here to set up a free inspection. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips on taking care of your roof.