How to Remove Moss From Your Roof

How to Remove Moss From Your Roof

Jan 10 2022

Does your roof look like it’s turning green and is beginning to look like a jungle is growing up there? If so, it sounds like you have moss growing on your shingles. In this article, we’ll explain why it is damaging to your roof, how to remove it, and how to prevent it in the future. Let’s go!

Why is Moss Damaging Your Roof

First and foremost, why do you want to remove moss in the first place? Two reasons: 1. It makes the shingles look dirty and 2. It is actually damaging to your roof. Moss growing on a roof can give an impression to a neighbor or potential buyer of your home that the house has not been maintained. It sounds silly, I know, but your roof makes up roughly 70% of the outside “appearance” of your home. That means, a clean roof gives off a clean impression and a dirty roof does the opposite.

That being said, the real reason you want to remove moss is because, unlike algae, moss actually DAMAGES your shingles! Moss traps moisture which will cause the shingles to stay wet in those areas. This will lead to premature wear on those spots. First, the granules will come off (this is what gives shingles the ability to shed water). Then, the asphalt will be exposed and begin to crack and flake off leaving only fiberglass left! Once fiberglass is exposed, it can actually absorb water and lead to interior leaks. Moss also lifts the edges of shingles. This makes them more susceptible to wind damage!

How to Remove Moss

I know you are thinking, “ok ok get to the point, I want to remove this junk off my roof and fast!” So let’s look at how to remove moss from your roof. The first thing you need to do is remove any large pieces of moss manually. The large clumps of moss should break off easily with a soft brush or soft broom. You do not want to use any metal wire brushes or stuff bristle brushes to remove it because this can damage the surrounding shingles. Be gentle, I promise those large clumps will come off with ease.

Now that the clumps are gone, you still need to kill the smaller clusters of moss. This is where bleach comes in play. A simple DIY method is to mix 50% bleach and 50% water into a pump sprayer. Start spraying from the top-down in an overlapping pattern. This bleach will kill any remaining moss and will allow the rain to naturally wash it away. This can be dangerous and we never recommend anybody get on their roofs without proper training and safety gear, so use your own discretion doing this.

How to Prevent it From Coming Back

Now that the moss is gone, how can you prevent it from coming back? Moss thrives in damp areas. Nine times out of 10, moss on shingles will be found on roof slopes that are under large trees. What happens is that tree is allowing organic materials to fall on the roof and is blocking the sunlight from ever allowing the shingles to dry out. By trimming back the limbs, or removing the tree, you will allow sunlight to dry out your shingles properly. Again, we recommend you call a tree expert to deal with the tree!

Work With Restoration Roofing

If you need moss removed from your roof, we have the solution for you! At Restoration Roofing, we can help with a range of roof issues including the damages that come with moss. We would be happy to offer you a full inspection and digital report on the condition of your Memphis roof.

Restoration Roofing is a fully insured and BBB A+ rated company offering a range of roofing and gutter services. To schedule a complimentary digital roof inspection, give us a call at 901-854-3402, or contact us online. We are happy to serve Memphis and the surrounding Midsouth! To see more updates from Restoration Roofing, check out our Facebook page.