How Long Does It Take to Replace a Roof in Memphis?

Aug 14 2023

When homeowners contemplate a roofing project, one immediate question often arises: “How long will it take to replace my roof?” This question is asked frequently by our customers, and we at Restoration Roofing are here to answer it. Let’s delve into the typical duration of a roof replacement in Memphis and the efficiency of our team. Factors Influencing Roof Replacement Time While several variables can influence a roofing project’s duration, our expertise and streamlined process ensure a swift turnaround: Roof Size and Complexity: A straightforward roof will be more rapid to replace, whereas a larger, multi-peaked roof demands more time…

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What Does Rippling Shingles Mean?

Aug 10 2023

Asphalt shingle rippling is a phenomenon that homeowners cannot afford to ignore. While seemingly harmless, these wavy patterns on your roof might hint at deeper underlying issues. As Collierville’s top roofing company, Restoration Roofing provides a deep dive into understanding and addressing this roofing concern. Asphalt Shingle Rippling: What Is It? Rippling on asphalt shingles presents as undulating patterns or distortions on the roof’s surface. Beyond the clear aesthetic concerns, ripples can be a harbinger of more severe structural issues, making it essential to tackle them head-on. Root Causes of Rippling: Installation Errors: The bedrock of a robust roof is…

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Why Collierville Homeowners Prefer Asphalt Shingles

Aug 10 2023

As a top-tier Collierville roofing company, we often get asked about the best materials for roofs. Time and again, asphalt shingles emerge as a favorite among Collierville homeowners. But what makes them so popular? Let’s dive in. Cost-Effective Solution Affordability: Asphalt shingles are among the most affordable roofing materials available. This makes them an excellent choice for homeowners on a budget without compromising on quality. Reduced Installation Costs: Being lightweight, asphalt shingles require less structural support, leading to savings on installation. Versatility in Design Variety: Whether you want a traditional, contemporary, or rustic look, asphalt shingles come in various styles,…

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What To Do If You Have a Shingle Blow Off

Aug 07 2023

Windstorms, aging, and even improper installation can lead to one of the most common roofing issues homeowners face: asphalt shingle blow-offs. The immediate question arises: What now? Fortunately, as your trusted Collierville TN roofer, we’re here to guide you through the steps and solutions when faced with this roofing predicament. In this blog, we’ll delve into the crucial actions to take when a shingle decides to part ways with your roof. We’re here to equip you with the knowledge and understanding required to handle this issue efficiently. Understand the Cause Before you can adequately address asphalt shingle blow-offs, understanding the…

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What to Expect When You Receive a Restoration Roofing Estimate

Aug 07 2023

When it comes to home maintenance, replacing or repairing your roof is one of the most significant investments you can make. Naturally, before diving into this substantial project, homeowners would like to have an accurate estimate to budget accordingly. Understanding what goes into a roofing estimate can help set expectations and allow you to make informed decisions. If you’ve come across articles from other Collierville roofing companies, you might already have an inkling of what the process involves. Here at Restoration Roofing, we believe in taking it a step further. Let’s explore in depth what to expect when you receive…

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What is a Chimney Cricket?

Jun 27 2023

A cricket, or saddle, is an essential, yet often overlooked, part of many residential roofing systems. The cricket is a small, triangular construction that is built on the high side of the chimney, right where it intersects with the roof. But what exactly is a chimney cricket, and why is it so important? Let’s dive into these questions and shed some light on this vital roofing component. The Function of a Chimney Cricket The primary purpose of a chimney cricket is to divert water and debris. Without a cricket, water can pool around the chimney, seeping into the small gaps…

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